Golf League Websites
- Increase Participation in your golf events with easy registration and payments.
- Boost Participation Even More by sending targeted email reminders.
- Set up a Complete Tournament by assigning players to groups, tee times, and posting results.
- Boost Member Enthusiasm with player and tournament stats.
- Reduce Administrative Tasks by involving players more interactively.
- Apply online for membership
- Pay annual dues
- Register and pay for single, partner and foursome events.
- Options to pay for all or just themselves.
- Payment record is created for each registered player.
- Players have the option to pay online or print out an invoice and pay by mail.
- The Administration area keeps track of all membership and event payment transactions and statuses.
- Administrators can manage all payments.
- Ability to email invoices to players that still need to make payments.
- Sell Merchandise (Hats, Shirts, Jackets…)
Administrators have the ability to email members various messages. Send out custom emails to:
- All or selected members
- Members based on membership status
- Members registered for a specific event
- Members who paid last year’s dues but not this years
- Members that have NOT registered for a specific event.
- Match deadline reminders
- and more…
- Start and End Play & Registration Dates
- Calendar Type
(Major, Match, Weekly, Social, etc…) - Group Type
(Single, Partners, Foursome, Social, Twilight) - Score Type
(Class, Net Stroke, Stableford, Match, Skins) - Create Brackets
- Easy “Drag and Drop” bracket seeding
- Declare Purse Amount
- Multiple Course Management
- Pick starting time, number of tee times, and minute intervals between times, and application will create all times needed.
- Ability to add or delete individual times.
- Easy “Drag and Drop” tee time assigning
- Add and Edit Score Records
(Player, Score, Place, Money, Guest Status) - Ability to add scores individually or populate score records using registrants. (sometimes players show up for events without registering for them, depending on the event)
- Twilight Leagues use Team and Week selections.
- Event scores by Class is also available.
- Print Score Cards with Stroke Equity based on Handicaps
- Register and pay for events
- Logged in members can see other members’ contact info.
- Choose match winners
- My Profile page – Manage their own info
- Contact Information
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Mailing List
- Add/Change Profile Picture
- See their Event Registration History
- Player Stats
- Handicaps
- Change Login Password
- Manage all of your members.
- Edit Member’s Contact Information
- Control Member’s Status
- Subscribe/Unsubscribe from Mailing List
- Add Member’s Profile Picture
- GHIN and CDGA Handicaps
- Handicaps are automatically updated for all members registered with GHIN or CDGA. Scheduled running scripts will do this for you.
- Use another handicap organization? Let us know and we’ll figure it out.
- Manage Menus and Page Content
- Create Picture Slideshows for Events and Home pages
*There may be a league minimum depending on your needs.
Price does not include your own domain name.
SUBDOMAIN.golfleaguemanagement.com is free.

Though I am not great at the sport, I have been a golf fanatic for a long time. My day job has been designing and developing websites and website applications for various clients. I run my own company – Rodman Design & Development. A couple of years ago I was asked to build a website application to help manage some men’s golf leagues in the near north suburbs of Chicago. All has gone well and I keep improving and adding functionality as I have time to. The leagues’ officers find that it saves them lot’s of time and is a valuable asset. The members like it because it makes it easy for them to sign up for events, and check on scores, matches and tee-times.
If you decide to use my software, you not only get a great website application — but you also get personal service from “yours truly” for support. I hope you’ll consider contacting me soon for a demonstration.